The Million Dollar Question

Ric Machuga, a community college philosophy professor who profoundly changed my life, had a remarkable concluding question for interviews with anyone who might replace him in his role. He said that after asking all the usual stuff, he would playfully end the interview by saying, “Oh yes, and just for fun, one final question: What would you do if you won the lottery tomorrow?” If the candidate said anything other than, “I would teach philosophy,” then my professor said he would not hire the person. 

This was because Ric loved what he did. He said that even if he had all the money in the world, he would still continue teaching. He even went so far as to say that he’d never retire. I find this a beautiful way to relate to vocation. I frequently ask myself Ric’s question to test how I am currently living and to discover how I might live better in the future.

This week, I invite you to ask yourself the million dollar question: 

What would you do if you won the lottery today? What would you stop doing? What would you start? How might you move closer to living this life even without winning the lottery? 

God bless,


What Do You Value?


Unwilling to Be Surprised