Unwilling to Be Surprised
Most of my troubles are because I am unwilling to be surprised. When I am frustrated, tired, resentful, or going through any other negative state, I notice that part of me decides that is just how things are going to be. This part is committed to being frustrated, tired, or resentful and is not open to things being otherwise. It wants to be right and is unwilling to be surprised.
Fortunately, I also have another part that is there during these negative experiences. This part is more curious and hopeful. It is open to the possibility that things could be otherwise. It almost expects to be surprised. When I tune into this part, I am often amazed to find peace after being frustrated, energy after being tired, and love after being resentful; but only if I am willing to be surprised.
This week, I invite you to check in with yourself frequently, especially during negative experiences, asking:
What state am I in at this moment? Am I in a fixed state, unwilling to be surprised or in an open state, willing to be surprised? In what areas of my life have I decided that this is how things are going to be? In these areas, how might I show up differently if I were completely open to being surprised?
God bless,