
We are called to Live fully.

Coaching Options



Individual coaching provides an expansive, private space to explore what you’re capable of, build vision, upgrade mindsets and commit to concrete action. Our three month program includes six coaching sessions: three 1hr individual sessions and three 1hr group sessions.


Group coaching provides a more social environment for you to put yourself on the hook for results in front of others. These sessions are also an opportunity to practice opening up about the challenges we face as we incarnate our vision. Sharing the cost with peers is also a great way to access the benefits of coaching at a lower cost.


Corporate coaching is a custom package created for you and your company to achieve your vision and grow in integrity, communication, and ownership.

Success Stories

Nicole Tittmann and her fashion consulting company >
Thomas Quackenbush and Floriani >
Abby Hidley and b-school >

What mountains will you move in your life?

Schedule a 1-hr Vision Call on us!

“Tam Nova is about transforming the way you think so you can stop shooting yourself in the foot and start seeing real progress toward your goals.”

— Rebecca Quackenbush

Our Coaches


Dan Selmeczy


Dan is the founder of TAM NOVA, a college and career advisor, a corporate trainer, and a seasoned teacher of Math, Science, Latin, and ballroom dance. 


Joseph Thompson

Executive Coach

Joseph is an associate coach at elite executive coaching firm, Novus Global. He is the lead trainers for our retreats and he leads group coaching for TAM NOVA.


Nicole Tittmann

Executive Coach

Nicole Tittmann is a public speaker and an executive coach. A recent graduate of the Meta Performance Institute, she has worked with lawyers, small business owners, mothers and students.

"The mind adapts and converts to its own purposes the obstacle to our acting. The impediment to action advances action. What stands in the way becomes the way."

—Marcus Aurelius, Meditations, Book 5.20.

The results


For all of last semester I had regular coaching sessions with Dan Selmenczy twice a month to increase productivity in both my personal life and in my work as a resident director. It was an excellent experience. Dan gave clarity to my goals, and he pushed me to carry through on commitments from session to session. The most defining characteristic of Dan’s coaching was that he helped me to have a positive and motivated approach to my work, and as a result substantially increased my creativity and helped me come up with better and better ways to lead the team of prefects under my charge. It had fantastic results. Through the weekly routine that Dan helped me form for the prefect team, I was able to lead them to have more initiative in student life and carry through with projects. To give a few examples, members of the team started a weekly planned parenthood praying group, a student art group, organized regular tutor and tutor wife dorm talks, and overall had a significant increase in positive interactions with the student body. One of my favorite results from Dan’s coaching sessions was the idea to have a semester long team project. For this past semester’s project the prefects, together with several other students, organized the first ever maple sap collecting season. That’s something which I’m sure will become a regular tradition at the Northfield campus, and the goal will be to have a similar group project for the prefect team every semester from here on out. 

This semester we were fortunate enough to have Dan come out and give an all-day workshop for the prefect team. (The idea for him to come out actually came out of one of our individual coaching sessions.) It was an eye-opening experience for the whole team. Dan helped each one of us identity ways in which our attitude to our work was helpful and where it was detrimental, and he gave all of us tools to have better conversations with students, better rule interactions, and better community involvement. Dan also showed us ways to work as a more complete team. I can say, especially from what I saw in the men’s dorm, that immediately after the workshop the vibrancy of community life increased through the leadership of the prefects. It was actually quite remarkable how quick the results were.

Overall, I can safely say that this year has been the best year I have ever witnessed for a prefect team at TAC. And that is in no small part due to Dan. Through the community involvement and initiative that Dan helped create, the prefects have garnered the respect and love of the rest of the student body and that has enabled them to carry out the rest of their duties excellently.



“Overall, I can safely say that this year has been the best year I have ever witnessed for a prefect team at TAC. And that is in no small part due to Dan.”

— Isaac Cross

Interested in working with us?

Send us an email to start the conversation. We hope to see you join our team!