What Do You Value?

Recently, I’ve been listening to the Founders podcast. The host said something that really stuck with me: “Actions express priority.” Too often, we give lip service to what matters to us or express frustration that we don’t have more time to do the things we really want. But is that truly the case?

What if we journaled everything we did for a week? Even just a couple of days could be revealing. What are our actions telling us about what we actually value? Are we wasting time on social media instead of engaging with the people around us? Do we spend time complaining or stewing about a colleague rather than coming up with a solution or having an honest conversation? Where are the “time thieves” that prevent us from showing up as our best selves?

This week, I encourage you to take a few minutes to reflect on how you spend your time. Challenge the story you tell yourself about not having enough time.

If actions truly express priority, where are you falling short of living your values? How can you make a change?


Nicole Tittmann
Senior Coach, TAM NOVA


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