What Got You Here Might Not Get You There

“How have you changed since you first arrived here four years ago?” This was the question I asked a group of soon-to-be college graduates at a celebratory dinner this week. They gave various answers. One said he was less awkward and more social. Another said she was a better thinker. A third said that she was able to speak with greater clarity and precision. 

As we move through life, we develop ways of being, beliefs, and behaviors that serve us in the particular stage we’re in. As toddlers, we might learn that throwing a tantrum gets us what we want. In elementary school, we discover that what worked while we were toddlers is no longer effective in our new environment. And so we adapt and grow into new ways of flourishing. Or at least we hope that’s what happens. 

In reality, we frequently try to use old ways of being, beliefs, and behaviors to accomplish new things. This often leads to frustration and failure. There may be things that brought the students success in college that might not work as well in their future families or careers. 

This week I invite you to ponder: 

Where in my life am I stepping into a new phase? In this new phase, in what ways might I be called to grow regarding my way of being? My beliefs? My behaviors? 

God bless,


Five Questions That Shape Our Lives


An Extravagant Gift