An Extravagant Gift

Three ideas to ponder: 

  1. When a pebble is cast into a pond, it creates ripples that spread through the whole body of water. Similarly, we affect the people around us, and our impact ripples through society.

  2. We are made to love and to be loved—our nature is to be a unique gift for others. The web of relationships we each have is unrepeatable. For example, only I can be the son that I am to my father. No one else could step in and replace me in that relationship. And the same is true of all the relationships we have. 

  3. Because we are made in the image and likeness of God, a single human being possesses more worth than all the rest of the non-human world combined. And this is true of you too. You are an extravagant gift to the world. 

This week, I invite you to consider two questions. The first is from Joseph King Barkley, an executive coach at Novus Global. The second is from a wonderful book called The Art of Possibility. 

  • How am I owning the generosity of my extravagant gift to the world?  

  • In what way will I be a contribution? This year? This week? This day? This moment?

God bless,


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