@action, @waitingfor

Productivity expert David Allen recommends the following backbone for managing email: create one folder labeled “@action” and one labeled “@waitingfor.” Emails that require action on your part go in the “@action” folder. Emails for which you are waiting on someone else in order to move forward go into the “@waitingfor” folder. One last element needed for the system to work is to check both folders regularly in order to complete items and follow up with people. 

If you’re like me, then managing email is a challenge. You can read more about the complete system in a 3-page document here.  

This week, I invite you to use managing emails as an analogue for your life:

What projects are in my “@action” folder? Which of these projects have been sitting there for a while and of these, which would I like to take action on this week? What are my next steps? 

What projects are in my “@waitingfor” folder? Of these, which truly depend on my waiting for other people? Are there any things that I am waiting for that I myself could nudge closer to completion? What would these nudges be? 

God bless,

P.S. David Allen uses the “@” symbol to ensure that the folders are at the top of your list.


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