Vision vs. fantasy

“Dreaming or fantasy conceals from us what resources are available, but vision reveals provision.” 

The Workbook by Dan Tocchini and The Meta-Performance Institute


Over the past month, this quote has lived on a Post-It on my desk. What’s the difference between fantasies about the future vs. a vision for the future? Here’s how it occurs to me. 

When we are in the realm of fantasy, we avoid our current reality and escape into a dream world. We become more disconnected from what’s in front of us right now. We are less likely to take next steps or even notice them. 

When we are in the realm of vision, we engage with our current reality and see things clearly. We connect with what’s in front of us because we are committed to creating a particular future. We see next steps and are more likely to take them. 

The good news is that you get to decide which lens you use to view your future. 

This week I invite you to ask: 

What are my aspirations? Which of these am I viewing with the lens of fantasy? Which with the lens of vision? How would my life change if I grew in my ability to relate to my future with the lens of vision?

God bless,

PS- The Meta-Performance Institute, a five-month intensive coaching training program, of which I am thrilled to be a participant. I’d love to have a conversation if you’d like to learn more about it. Book a meeting with me here


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