The Architecture of Your Life

“We shape our buildings; thereafter they shape us.”

-Winston Churchill

"Every thought a person dwells upon, whether he expresses it or not, either damages or improves his life."

- Lucy Mallory

“Every action you take is a vote for the type of person you wish to become.”

- James Clear

“You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.”

- Jim Rohn

There is an architecture that shapes your person much more than the building you live in. The complex web of your thoughts, actions, and relationships all work together to shape who you will become. The good news is that just as you can remodel the building you live in, you can also change the thoughts you dwell upon, the actions you take, and the relationships you choose to cultivate. 

This week I invite you to critique the architecture of your life.

  • What type of person do you wish to become? What is your 10/10 vision for your future self?

  • On a scale of 1-7, how well are the thoughts you dwell upon serving you in becoming this person? What thoughts could you focus on that would serve you even better? 

  • On a scale of 1-7, how well are the actions that you take serving you in becoming this person? What actions could you take that would serve you even better? 

  • On a scale of 1-7, how well are the relationships that you cultivate serving you in becoming this person? What relationships could you cultivate that would serve you even better? 

God Bless,

Rebecca Loomis

Rebecca Loomis is a graphic designer, artist, photographer, and author of the dystopian fiction series A Whitewashed Tomb. Rebecca founded her design company, Fabelle Creative, to make it easy for small businesses to get the design solutions they need to tell their story. In her free time, Rebecca enjoys traveling, social dancing, and acroyoga.

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