Small Conversions

Conversion is often thought of as life-changing on a grand scale—for example, a religious conversion. This larger renewal of the mind, or metanoia, is beautiful but rare in a person’s lifetime. My own conversion to Catholicism was of this sort. Recently, however, I’ve been noticing that the ordinary circumstances of life are full of opportunities for smaller conversions. 

For example, if I get frustrated when my child is crying during a long road trip, I can either stay frustrated or I can use the opportunity for conversion. I can get curious about my frustration. What might my assumptions about the situation be that are leading to my frustration? Are these assumptions true? Do they give me the experience I’d like to have? What is another true way that I can look at my crying child that would lead me to have a different experience? Is there any way in which I have contributed to the outcome of a crying child? What have I done or not done, said or thought that may have in small or big ways led to this outcome? 

Or looking at conversion another way, there may be some big-picture, large scale vision that I am working towards. Suppose I’d like to live in a flourishing community, with family and friends within walking distance, with the amenities of a small city while also raising much of my family’s food on a homestead. Impossible? Maybe, but I can always ask, what is my next small conversion? What is the next small area in which I can change my actions or my mindset? My experience is that these small steps are almost always available. 

This week, I invite you to ponder what your next mini-metanoia might be: 

What is a recent experience in which you’ve been frustrated with something, avoided something, complained about something, tolerated something, or been scared of something? What assumptions may you have had in that situation, perhaps even without being aware of them, that led to your experience being the way that it was? 

What is your vision for a life that you’d love to have but seems impossible? In what small way could you change your mindset so that your vision is made just a little bit more possible? What small action could you take that would move you just a little bit closer to your vision? 

God bless,


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