Sculpting in Time 

Clay is a neutral medium—a three dimensional blank canvas. The amount of clay a sculptor uses and where he places it determines the beauty of the sculpture he creates. 

This week, I invite you to view your time like a sculptor: 

How artfully do you use your time to create a beautiful life?   

What does the amount of time you allocate to the different people and priorities in your life say about what is important to you? Is the amount of time you spend on any area out of harmony with your values? On what would you like to spend more time? On what would you like to spend less time? 

What does the ordering of the events in your day, your week, and your year say about what is important to you? Are any of these out of harmony with your values? What events would you like to move to an earlier time? What events would you like to move to a later time?

God bless,


Who You Know


What’s Your Weakest Link?