How Good Is Your Net?

A thought pops into your head. You think, “Perhaps I should order that book my friend told me about.” When this sort of thing happens to you, what do you do about it? Do you let the thought flit away into the ether? Or do you capture it and write it down?

In his book, Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress Free Productivity, David Allen argues that capturing both big and small to-do’s is an essential first step toward mastering agency. Without a process to pin things down, we suffer the constant stress of wondering whether we’ve forgotten something. On top of this, a leaky system will also lead to traffic jams and emergencies due to commitments forgotten or remembered too late. 

This week, I invite you to ask yourself: 

On a scale of 1-7, how good is my net for capturing my to-do’s? If it is less than a 7, what costs do I pay for having holes in my system? What is my next step for getting closer to a 7?  

Stay tuned for more ideas about what to do once you’ve gotten good at simply capturing your to-do’s. 

God bless,


Your New Fly Swatter


Pressure Is A Privilege