Drastically Underestimating God

How we think about the future actively shapes the way our lives unfold. Jason Jaggard, the CEO of Novus Global, has an excellent short article on how this plays out in leadership. He shares that the two greatest leadership challenges are:

  1. Every leader drastically underestimates what they’re capable of.

  2. Every leader drastically underestimates what their team is capable of. 

Jason proposes the reason for this is that pursuing results outside of our own intuition of what’s possible usually requires us to embrace the discomfort of growth. In order to double our income or double the results of our teams, we need to become different people. Jason says, “We have to become comfortable with being intentionally uncomfortable.” 

He elaborates that according to St. Paul, “The Divine is able to do more than we can ‘ask or imagine’ (Ephesians 3:20).” Springboarding from this quote, I’d like to add a third leadership challenge to the list above: 

3. Every leader drastically underestimates what God is capable of. 

Most believers have little trouble assenting to the reality that God has done great things in times past (think Moses, the Apostles, or St. Francis of Assisi) and that He has done great things in more recent times as well (think Padre Pio, Mother Theresa, or St. John Paul the Great). We seem to find it easy to believe that God can do great things through others. My experience is that when I ask people if they believe that God can do great things through them, they hesitate. They become doubtful and have little faith.

This week I invite you to ask yourself: 

Where might I be dramatically underestimating: 

  • what I am capable of? 

  • what the people I lead are capable of?

  • what God is capable of achieving through me?  

God bless,


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