Conversations as Clues

“The conversation is the relationship.” You might define a relationship differently, but in her book, Fierce Conversations, Susan Scott proposes that the essence of our relationships are the conversations we have. For this reason, we can use them as a lens to assess the health of our relationships. 

This week, I invite you to try the following: 

  1. Think of a particular relationship in your life.

  2. Reflect on the conversations you’ve had in the past to discover clues about the relationship.

Here are some questions to assist you:

  • What does the quality of my conversations in this relationship reveal to me?

  • What does how present I am during our conversations reveal to me? 

  • What does the tone of voice I use during these conversations reveal to me? 

  • What does the amount of time and frequency I spend conversing with this person reveal to me?  

  • Which of the above areas would I need to change to deepen and improve this relationship? 

  • What do my answers reveal to me when I apply the above questions to my relationship with God?

God bless,


Anchored to Your Center


God’s Gift of Eternal Gratitude