A Quarter of an Hour Has a Lot of Power

How many books do you read a year? During the Optimal Work Masterclass, I learned from Dr. Majeres that most people don’t ever finish another book after they graduate college. I found this statistic surprising but what surprised me even more was learning that if you were to read just 15 minutes a day, you would finish 13 books per year! 

I ran the numbers and this seems to check out. Fifteen minutes per day is over 90 hours and that’s enough time to read 13 seven-hour books. Of course, the number of books completed will depend on how long the books are and what your reading speed is. The average length of a book on Audible is 10 hours. However many books it is, I am astonished by how much you can get done with so little daily input.

Seeing how powerfully the course of one’s life can change by investing just 15 minutes in daily reading leads me to wonder what else might benefit from this process. 

This week I invite you to ask:

If you could only pick one area of your life to give an additional daily 15 minutes to, what would that area be? How would things change if you remained faithful to this routine for one month? For one year? For a lifetime? 

God Bless,

P.S.- I am about 75% done with the Optimal Work Master Class and I’d like to share that it was well worth the investment. If you are interested in learning how to increase your productivity and enjoyment at work I highly recommend you check it out. The first four modules are free.

Rebecca Loomis

Rebecca Loomis is a graphic designer, artist, photographer, and author of the dystopian fiction series A Whitewashed Tomb. Rebecca founded her design company, Fabelle Creative, to make it easy for small businesses to get the design solutions they need to tell their story. In her free time, Rebecca enjoys traveling, social dancing, and acroyoga.


Pruning with Ice


Learning to See Backward and Forward: Part 2